Don't fret momma, we've all been there! It's almost time for little one to arrive and you aren't sure if you have all that you need. Well, no worries! Here's some helpful tips from someone who's been there a couple times and spends lots of times with others in the same boat.
I'm not about to patronize you and tell you the importance of a crib and carseat. You've probably got that selected a while ago or at least have it narrowed down.
Instead I'm going to list just a handful of things that you might not think you need or don't know the value of. But trust me....these are vital!
1. Halo swaddles:
These things are awesome! They take the guess work out of swaddling and are nice and secure and will at least mostly keep those little escape artist's limbs in place. We all know how important a good sleep is and swaddling is vital! Helpful tip: try Once Upon a Child or Just Between Friends consignment for great deals.
2. Nose Frida:
I know, I know. Ewwww! But trust me, these things will be your best friend when allergy season and cold season hits at once and you just need....that....snot.....GONE. And those bulb thingies? They don't do jack squat.
And now a couple things to not bother with. They aren't worth your $$$!
1. A fancy swing. Most babes I know either hate them or are happy with a cheap one. So don't bother.
2. Wipe warmer. While it may seem nice to have warm wipes when cleaning that delicate area, it isn't all that necessary. And they break. A lot. So just save the money!
So there you have it! Just a couple little tips to help you as you freak out. And momma? Don't freak out. Unless you live in Antartica all you need is a short store trip away. You got this.