
Enough with the Advice Already!

Hello Friends!


Who here feels totally confused by all the conflicting information out there regarding raising our little ones?  *waves hand in the air like a crazy person*

newborn photographer oklahoma city

                                 I think we can all feel as frustrated as this 1 day old at times


Wether or not to feed organic?  How long to breastfeed?  If you don't breastfeed, what formula is best?  TV exposure?  Introducing allergens?  And of course, the one I think is probably googled more than any other.......establishing a sleeping schedule? It can certainly get confusing and I see plenty of new moms, just like myself, get overwhelmed and quickly feel inadequate.


How stupid!!!  I mean really, are you alive and kicking?  Did your parents have google?  Do you know what they did have?  THEIR parents.  That's right.  Before internet searches and the, there was *ask mom*.  While every mom raises their child differently, I have realized that most grandmas have the same response when their daughters and sons ask for advice.  

newborn photographer oklahoma city

                                                      Momma knows best?  Well, why not?  


The best advice that most parents receive from any other loved ones, not just grandmas, is to do what works for YOU.  Only YOU know your baby, your life, your schedule, your emotions, and your perspective.   It's stupid for us to let social media, other moms, the news, or anyone tell us that our instincts as parents is wrong.  Is your baby breathing, growing, and thriving?  Then you are doing a GREAT JOB!!!  If you worry that something isn't right, then maybe it isn't.  Change it and do what feels right to you, within reason (I don't think you should let your baby play with sharp knives and loaded gun because that feels right to you....there is some common sense that needs to be at play here). 


Your baby loves you!  You are the most person in the world to them.  Not the Babbling Betty online who seems to have all the "right" answers.  

Newborn photographer oklahoma city

                                                                  Keep calm and smile on


Keep up the great work parents! 


With Love,

Corrie Graybill


Newborn Photo Session with my God-Daughter!

Hello Friends!


I wanted to share a photo session with you that I had recently. God-Daughter!  This sweet pumpkin came into my best friend's life recently....all almost 10 lbs of her......and I got the pleasure of visiting and taking up their afternoon taking photos of her!  


I am loving every opportunity I get to photograph newborns.  There is something very special about creating a relaxing, womb like atmosphere for these very special little humans.  They mean everything to their loved ones!  


Isn't it wonderful to have so much love in such a small package?  And her big sister sure does enjoy her new responsibilities!  She is energy, enthusiasm, and joy in a mighty little package!  


Thank you Brandon and Whitney for sharing your precious girls with me!  You are blessed!


- Corrie Graybill

My Photography Muse

Hello Friends!


Thank you for stopping by my page!  This is an exciting and wonderful time for me as I continue to grow and build my passion that is photography, and I am excited to share it with you!

Let me start by introducing you to my greatest son, Wesley!  This little coy con artist stole my heart in unexpected ways.  As a self proposed animal lover...not baby lover.....I didn't realize what an impact he would make on my life.  I always knew I wanted children, but I certainly didn't ever imagine myself becoming an at-home-mama or starting this business all because of the changes he's made in my life.  Funny how that happens, right fellow parents?  





The images in this post were some of my earliest work (except for the one of me holding him, that was taken by my husband).  While I cringe a little when I see them (I have learned so much since then!) I am also very proud to see my wonderful little boy as I saw him then.  

Wesley was born on August 26th, 2014.  At that point I liked photography, but had not devoted any time to learning the craft.  Just a week after he was born, a spark was born when I took him in for his newborn portraits.  His photographer was the awesome Kelly Wilson and the experience that I had with her inspired something in me.  The relaxing, creative atmosphere of her home studio, the trust she created with us and with Wesley, and of course the beautiful images she created spoke to a part of me that I had been keeping quiet.  My creative muse.  That little muse (which sounds a lot like my mother, lol) was screaming at me from behind a closed door.  She said, "This makes you happy!  Creating something precious to be cherished! This is what you should do with your days!"






After that session I started to look into the technical and artistic aspects of photography.  I have always considered myself equally right brained and left brained (having a doctor for a father and an artist for a mom will do that to you) and photography grasps at both of those sides of me.  It of course took a lot of time and it wasn't until over a year later that I entertained the thought of actually opening the business, but I am so glad that I did!  

So my thanks goes to Wesley, my patient husband, and to Kelly Wilson who inspired me!  This is going to be a lot of fun and I hope to see it grow beyond my dreams.  I believe it will touch the lives of many, more than I know, and I have faith in my Lord that he will use my talents and hands to do good things with his creations.  


Thank you for sharing this with me!  

- Corrie Graybill